
This site was inspired by passionate Collegium Musicum alumni during a memorial for Barbara Elaine Nuernberger in July 2009 in Oberlin, Ohio. Nineteen people shared their stories about how much Collegium meant to them during their Oberlin years, and how much the experience has continued to shape and influence them in the years subsequent.

For me, Collegium was my first window into early music, gave me my inspiration into a truly inter-disciplinary approach to music, and promoted a wide view of art and humanity in the broadest possible context.  I would later extend ideas planted during my Collegium experiences to my doctoral work and now to my professional musical life.  I am indebted to all those with whom I performed, and most especially to Dean Nuernberger.

It is my fondest hope that the repository published here may inspire others to carry the torch of what music and music-making ought to be: a shared exploration of interesting ideas though the lens of humanity and culture.


Collegium '85–'89 bass, instrumentalist

Oberlin College Collegium Musicum  ::  L. Dean Nuernberger  ::   site map   ::   ©1967–2014